How to Build and Deploy a Node.js, Express, and MySQL API to GCP

Let’s build a Node.js + Express API from scratch, connect Cloud SQL for MySQL, and deploy it all to Google Cloud using gcloud CLI.

The API will consist of some GET endpoints for retrieving warehouse names and zip codes from an imaginary “Acme” company.

This guide is for developers unfamiliar with Google Cloud Platform (GCP), so you’ll start simple and small, and connect things one at a time as you need them.

Here’s what we’ll do:

  1. Install Node.js and gcloud CLI locally
  2. Create a MySQL DB in Cloud SQL on GCP
  3. Connect to it using a DB client, and seed it with some data
  4. Create a basic API in Node.js and Express, run it locally
  5. Deploy the API to a container on GCP
  6. Add MySQL connectivity to the container
  7. Store MySQL credentials in GCP Secrets Manager
  8. Redeploy, and run the API across the internet
  9. Review all the moving parts in GCP
  10. Make code changes, and redeploy
  11. Kill everything in GCP so you don’t get charged

Table of Contents


Use Linux For This

Create Google Cloud Platform Account

Head over to and create an account if you don’t already have one.

New accounts come with a free $300 in spending credits.

All of the services used in this article are free tier, except Cloud SQL (MySQL). I used up only 82 cents of that $300 for this article.

Setup gcloud CLI

Fire up the terminal:

  1. Install gcloud
  2. Run gcloud init and follow the prompts to get authorized and configured.
  3. See Google’s guide for additional help.

By the end of this process, you should see something like:

region = us-east1
zone = us-east1-b
account =
disable_usage_reporting = False
project = example-project

Setup Node.js and Express.js Locally

Fire up your Ubuntu terminal and run the following:

# Install NVM (Node Version Manager). Note: v0.38 is the latest version at this time
curl -o- | bash

# Restart terminal:
source ~/.bashrc

# Install node. This is the latest version at the time of this writing
nvm install v16.13.1

# Verify that node works:
node -v

Create and Seed a Database in Google Cloud

In the following steps, we’ll create a MySQL instance, connect to it, and seed it with test data.

Why MySQL? Because it’s the most used.

Create MySQL Instance

Create the MySQL instance:

  1. Click GCP > SQL > Create Instance
    1. Choose MySQL
    2. Enable the Compute API if it asks you
    3. Enter the following:
      1. Instance ID: acme-db
      2. Password: Click “GENERATE”
      3. Database version: 5.7
      4. Region: us-east1
      5. Zone Availability: Single zone
    4. Click “Show Configuration Options”:
      1. Storage > Machine Type: Shared core
      2. Storage > Storage Type: SSD
      3. Storage > Storage Capacity: 10GB
      4. Backups > Automate backups: uncheck
      5. Backups > Enable point-in-time recovert: uncheck
    5. Click “Create Instance”

Wait until the instance is ready. ~10 minutes.

Create a user for your API to use:

  1. Go to GCP > SQL > acme > Users
  2. Click “Add User Account”:
    1. User: test
    2. Password: Generate a secure password. Copy it down for later.
    3. Set it to allow all hosts
  3. Click “Add”

Create a database in the MySQL instance:

  1. Go to GCP > SQL > acme > Databases
  2. Click “Create Database”
    1. Name: acme
    2. Click “Create”

Authorize your localhost to connect to this Cloud DB:

  1. Go to GCP > SQL > acme > Connections
  2. Click “Add Network”
    1. Name: me
    2. Network: Get your IPv4, and append /32 to it. Eg for, enter
    3. Click “Done”
  3. Click “Save”

Connect to the DB with a Client

Connect to the new DB with a MySQL GUI client of your choice:

Create a Table and Seed it With Data

Run this in the acme database from your MySQL GUI client:

CREATE TABLE `warehouses` (
   `id` INT NULL,
   INDEX `index` (`id`)

   (1, 'Warehouse #1', '33614'), 
   (2, 'Warehouse #23', '90210'),
   (3, 'Warehouse #103', '03103')

SELECT * FROM warehouses;

You should see data:

id name zip
1 Warehouse #1 33614
2 Warehouse #23 90210
3 Warehouse #103 03103

Create an Express API in Node.js

Initialize the API

Create some project directory:

mkdir my-node-api && cd my-node-api

Initialize a project, hit enter through all the questions:

npm init

Add the start script and node engine to the package.json that was generated.

These will be needed by gcloud later on when deploying to Google Cloud.

The full file should look like this:

  "name": "my-node-api",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node index.js",
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "engines": {
    "node": ">= 12.0.0"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC"

Pull in the Express framework, and create an entry point:

npm install express --save
touch index.js

Edit index.js and create a basic Express API that responds to / GET:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello world.'));

app.listen(8080, () => console.log('App is running at: http://localhost:8080'));

Boot the app:

node index.js

Verify http://localhost:8080 works.

Add MySQL Connectivity

For this step, we’ll connect this API to the MySQL DB running on GCP.

Install these packages:

npm install mysql --save
npm install dotenv --save
npm install body-parser --save

Initialize these files:

touch database.js .env .gitignore
echo ".env" > .gitignore

Edit .env and add the DB connection parameters from earlier:


Edit database.js and copy/paste this into it:

const mysql = require('mysql');

var config = {
    user: process.env.DB_USER,
    database: process.env.DB_NAME,
    password: process.env.DB_PASS,

// Later on when running from Google Cloud, env variables will be passed in container cloud connection config
if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  console.log('Running from cloud. Connecting to DB through GCP socket.');
  config.socketPath = `/cloudsql/${process.env.INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME}`;

// When running from localhost, get the config from .env
else {
  console.log('Running from localhost. Connecting to DB directly.'); = process.env.DB_HOST;

let connection = mysql.createConnection(config);

connection.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) {
    console.error('Error connecting: ' + err.stack);
  console.log('Connected as thread id: ' + connection.threadId);

module.exports = connection;

Add API Routes that Connect to the DB

With MySQL now connected, let’s rewrite the GET endpoints to retrieve data from the DB.

Edit index.js, nuke everything in there, replace with:


const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const connection = require('./database');

app.get('/', (req,res) => res.send('Try: /status, /warehouses, or /warehouses/2') );

app.get('/status', (req, res) => res.send('Success.') );

app.get('/warehouses', (req, res) => {
    "SELECT * FROM `acme`.`warehouses`",
    (error, results, fields) => {
      if(error) throw error;

  .get( (req, res, next) => {
      "SELECT * FROM `acme`.`warehouses` WHERE id = ?",,
      (error, results, fields) => {
        if(error) throw error;

// Use port 8080 by default, unless configured differently in Google Cloud
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(port, () => {
   console.log(`App is running at: http://localhost:${port}`);

Restart the local server:

node index.js

Verify these are returning data in a browser:

Add More Data

Go to this URL in a browser:

This endpoint gets an empty [] response because there is no warehouse with an ID of 4 in the DB yet.

So add it in the DB through your MySQL GUI client:

INSERT INTO warehouses VALUES (4, 'Warehouse #4', '12345');

Now the endpoint should automatically return that data:


..because of this dynamic GET routing in index.js:

  .get( (req, res, next) => {

Alright, so now the DB is fully working from localhost.

Deploy to Google Cloud Using gcloud

Now for the fun part: running all of this from Google Cloud Platform, and accessing the API from the internet.

From the directory where index.js etc is, run:

gcloud run deploy

Fill the gcloud prompts in as follows:

If it’s successful, you will see something like this:

Building using Buildpacks and deploying container to Cloud Run service [my-node-api] in project [test-341003] region [us-east1]
✓ Building and deploying... Done.
  ✓ Uploading sources...
  ✓ Building Container... Logs are available at [].
  ✓ Creating Revision...
  ✓ Routing traffic...
Service [my-node-api] revision [my-node-api-00006-luw] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic.
Service URL:

Open that “Service URL” in a browser.

So what exactly did gcloud run deploy just do?

It did a lot:

  1. Cloud Build detected your source code language and dependencies
  2. Cloud Build built a container image based on your source code language and dependencies
  3. Artifact Registry stored that container image
  4. Cloud Storage stored your source code
  5. Cloud Run deployed your new API as a serverless container

We’ll dive more into these services and more in a bit.

Setup SQL Connectivity in the Container

Remember earlier how the API connected to Cloud MySQL just fine from your localhost?

There are a few extra steps to get the deployed container connected too.

Add Cloud SQL Connection in Container

Earlier, in database.js, there’s a line in the code that detects if it’s running from the cloud:

// Running from Google Cloud?
if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  console.log('Running from cloud. Connecting to DB through GCP socket.');
  config.socketPath = `/cloudsql/${process.env.INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME}`;

That /cloudsql/* socket path is not yet setup within your container.

So set it up:

  1. Go to > Cloud Run
  2. Click your API
  3. Click “Edit & Deploy New Revision”
  4. Click the “Connections” tab
  5. Click “Add Connection”
    1. Select the database created earlier
    2. And also click the “Enable Cloud SQL Admin API”
  6. Click “Deploy”

Step 6 creates a new container revision with these updated settings and deploys it directly from the GCP UI.

Store DB Credentials in Secrets Manager

The container also does not currently have DB credentials.

Since you’re not storing DB credentials in the codebase (remember earlier .env was added to .gitignore earlier to prevent it from ever getting committed), and since you should not be passing raw credentials via command line, go ahead and store them in Secrets Manager:

  1. Go to > Secrets Manager
  2. Create 3 secrets with these names, whose values come from the .env file:
    1. DB_USER
    2. DB_PASS
    3. DB_NAME

Add Secret Manager Accessor Role to the Service Account

When you ran the gwp run deploy command earlier, GCP by default uses a service account as the user.

That service account has all the permissions needed to create and deploy containers (and more).

However, it does not have access to Secrets Manager by default.

  1. Go to > IAM & Admin
  2. Edit the “Compute Engine default service account”
  3. Click “Add Another Role”
  4. Select “Secret Manager Secret Accessor” role
  5. Save


This step will configure some environment variables in the container which reference the DB connection parameters stored in Secrets Manager, and create a new container revision.

Remember this code from database.js?

var config = {
    user: process.env.DB_USER,
    database: process.env.DB_NAME,
    password: process.env.DB_PASS,

// Running from Google Cloud?
if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  console.log('Running from cloud. Connecting to DB through GCP socket.');
  config.socketPath = `/cloudsql/${process.env.INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME}`;

Those process.env.* variables are environment variables.

Locally, those come from .env.

But when the API runs from the cloud, it comes from environment variables configured in the container.

Let’s get those setup.

Copy/paste this command to notepad for now:

gcloud run services update YOUR_SERVICE_NAME \
--add-cloudsql-instances=YOUR_INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME \
--update-secrets=DB_USER=DB_USER:latest \
--update-secrets=DB_PASS=DB_PASS:latest \

Replace the following fields above (without the < and > of course):

Now run the command, with your replacements, in your terminal.

You should see something like this:

✓ Deploying... Done.
  ✓ Creating Revision...
  ✓ Routing traffic...
Service [my-node-api] revision [my-node-api-00005-yad] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic.
Service URL:

From there, open that “Service URL” in a browser.

Try adding /status, /warehouses, and /warehouses/1 to the URL too.

DB connectivity should work now.

If you modify warehouse rows in the DB, and refresh the API URL above, the changes should immediately reflect when calling the API.

Good to go!

How Do I Make Changes and Redeploy?

When you originally deployed your API to GCP, gcloud run deploy stored your code in a compressed archive in Cloud Storage.

This means that your source code needs to be under source control, preferably with tags corresponding to which commits correspond to which API revisions.

Therefore, making code changes to an already-deployed container is a matter of locally modifying your source code and then redeploying again.

So let’s add a new /dummy endpoint to the existing API and redeploy.

Add this to index.js:

app.get('/dummy', (req,res) => res.send('Dummy GET endpoint update'));

Run this again:

gcloud run deploy

Fill all the prompts out again, making sure the service name, region etc are the same as before.

If successful, you’ll see something resembling this again:

Building using Buildpacks and deploying container to Cloud Run service [my-node-api] in project [test-341003] region [us-east1]
✓ Building and deploying... Done.
  ✓ Uploading sources...
  ✓ Building Container... Logs are available at [].
  ✓ Creating Revision...
  ✓ Routing traffic...
Service [my-node-api] revision [my-node-api-00006-luw] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic.
Service URL:

Go to that Service URL in a browser, but append /dummy, where you should see the response Dummy GET endpoint update.

This new build was similar to the original build, with differences called out here in italics:

  1. Cloud Build detected your source code language and depedencies, again
  2. Cloud Build built a new container image based on your source code language and dependencies
  3. Artifact Registry stored a new copy of this latest container image
  4. Cloud Storage stored your latest source code in a new archive file
  5. Cloud Run added a new revision to your existing serverless container

Where Did Everything Deploy to in Google Cloud?

Let’s recap.

When you first ran gcloud run deploy:

  1. Cloud Build detected your source code language and dependencies
  2. Cloud Build built a container image based on your source code language and dependencies
  3. Artifact Registry stored that container image
  4. Cloud Storage stored your source code
  5. Cloud Run deployed your new API as a serverless container

When you setup SQL connectivity in the container:

  1. Secrets Manager stored your DB hostname, username, and password securely
  2. IAM & Admin upgraded your deployment service account with Secrets Manager permissions
  3. Cloud Run created a new revision to your existing API, and added those Secrets Managers “secrets” as environment variables

Then, when you made that /dummy endpoint addition in the code:

  1. Cloud Build detected your source code language and dependencies again
  2. Cloud Build built another container image based on your source code language and dependencies
  3. Artifact Registry stored a brand new copy of this latest container image
  4. Cloud Storage stored your latest source code in a new archive file
  5. Cloud Run added a new revision to your existing serverless container

Let’s explore these Google Cloud services in more detail.

Cloud Run

Cloud Run is where your API endpoint lives and is versioned.

When you modify source code and deploy it, a new revision gets created here.

If you also modify non-source code things like connections and environment variables, a new revision still gets created here.

Go to > Cloud Run, where you will see:

Now, click your API service name to drill down further. You will see this information specific to your API:

Now, click through the revisions, and observe the following in the right-side pane:

Cloud Build

Cloud Build is basically the heart of the deployment pipeline.

Every time you made a code change, and ran gcloud run deploy, Cloud Build is what detected your language and dependencies, generates a container image for you, stored it in Artifact Registry, and stored your source code in Cloud Storage.

Go to > Cloud Build, where you will see a build history consisting of 2 builds:

For each build in the history, this screen gives you:

If you click one of the build IDs, you will see the following build-specific information:

Artifact Registry

Artifact Registry stores the generated Docker container images from running glcoud run deploy.

gcloud run deploy:

  1. Detects the language you are using and its dependencies (from packages.json in the case of Node.js)
  2. Provisions a Node.js environment for you (on top of a Google-hosted Node.js base container image)
  3. Then stores that container image in Artifact Registry

That container image is what powers the serverless environment running your API.

Not only that, but using this container image in Artifacts Registry, you could theoretically spin up:

Secrets Manager

Secrets Manager is a secure storage system for sensitive things.

Remember when we added .env to the .gitignore?

If you instead stored the credentials directly in your source control (in .env), anyone who ever cloned that code would always have your credentials.

Imagine if you also had 20 other APIs using this same DB.

With Secrets Manager, you have a secure, centralized location to store credentials, and only 1 place to update when those credentials change.

IAM & Admin

This area shows user accounts and service accounts.

If you go to IAM & Admin, you’ll see this list.

Compute Engine default service account was created for you when you ran gcloud run deploy. This is also the one you added the Secrets Manager Secret Accessor role to.

You will also see build service account roles here.

IAM & Admin > Asset Inventory

This area is quite unique.

It shows a snapshot of all resources you ended up using as part of this API build and deployment, with direct links to them.

In addition to everything mentioned previously (Cloud Build, Run, Artifact Registry, etc), you will also see resources for:

These were transparently setup for you in that gcloud run deploy command.

Behold the PaaS power of Google Cloud Platform!

Clean Up

Let’s delete everything to avoid billing.

GCP makes this surprisingly simple.

  1. Go to > IAM & Admin > Manage Resources
  2. Click the project you created at the start of this whole process
  3. Delete it

Deleting the project for this API will permanently delete all resources used, including the MySQL DB, and prevent any further billing.

Confirm this by going to Artifacts Registry, Cloud Run, Cloud Build, Cloud SQL etc.

You will see a message confirming the resources no longer permit access.